10 amazing water births and answers to your question: Is water birth safe?

Although currently popular, water births have been in use since the 1980s and 1990s, with the first recorded instance in 1803. Homebirths with midwives often involve water births, but more hospitals are allowing water immersion during labor, and a few are testing it.

Water births are becoming more common in other countries and are a viable option for many mothers. A water birth occurs when a laboring mother delivers her baby in a water vessel with the placenta inside or outside. A mother labors in water but does not give birth in it, while a mother gives birth on land without a tub. Water births have been good for me.

My second baby was born in a lovely tub at home. Submerging in water before an exam relieved most of my back pain. The temperature was comfortable and I could position myself however I . Three strong pushes pushed my second daughter away. She was born asleep due to her calm and stress-free birth, so we had to wake her up to take her first breath and look around before she snuggled up and went back to sleep. Even in her early twos, she is naturally calm.

Water immersion during labor isn’t new, but many doctors are unfamiliar with it. They were not properly trained in medical school.

The mainstream medical model teaches doctors to adapt to the needs of laboring mothers, rather than the other way around. Her feet should be in stirrups on her back. Or should she? Is Water Birth Safe? – Dani Lasher Doctors undergo extensive training and are hands-on in most situations. They are trained to view birth as a critical event requiring proper equipment, procedures, and care to prevent escalation. Although not a bad thing, most water births are for healthy mothers who don’t need all the equipment and care.

They encourage DIY with clear intervention goals, no prescriptions, and a positive experience. Water births allow women to take control of their bodies and move around, reducing the need for procedures like episiotomies and c-sections. The water birth makes the doctor a hands-off supervisor. The mother is likely squatting or on all fours in the tub, preventing him from seeing what is happening. This allows the baby to slide into the water without needing immediate medical attention. This aloofness is unnatural for educated doctors and affects them negatively. Doctors argue that water births are unsafe due to a lack of evidence-based studies. Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted in various first-world countries, as detailed by e-Based Births.

Doctors warn of the risks of water aspiration for babies and infection for mothers. Some babies startle and inhale, but those in the studies recovered without complications. Water birth is typically gentle and does not cause the baby to startle at the cold air as he breathes in. Infants have reflexes to respond to this. Using a liner in the birthing tub and other preventative measures can reduce the risk of infection to the same level as a land birth

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